I will send him a PM and see if he is willing to review the battle.
Edit: I sent the following PM to the Ermor player:
Hello hello.
I (Caelum) have been accused of cheating in the Figment game. I was wondering if you could review the battle with the scout you had in the Caelum province this turn to check for any cheating. The center of the accusation is whether or not I had 'hacked' my archers to fire at commanders only.
I am posting it here as well so you will know I did not say something like "Lame Kailasa is accusing me of haxxors blah blah blah."
PS: I rechecked the battle and it seems someone had cast astral window on the battle as well unless it was you.
During the replay a squad of archers fires upon your commander at the south part of the screen. They do this for 2-3 rounds. I imagine they did this because they were set to 'fire large enemy monsters' and they considered him to be the better target because of the risk of friendly fire and he was in range.
After your guy moves out of range, they continue to fire upon the 'large enemy monsters' that are still within range. Thus, they could not be set to 'Fire at Commanders' because they would have moved forward to fire at your commanders.