Atrocities said:
Fox news, not the opinion shows, is not a right wing propaganda enterprise. To say that Fox News, not the opinion shows, is not accurate or balanced is simply an uninformed and unfair character assassination attempt against the number one news organization on cable TV. If they were so unbalanced, say like MSNBC is, then why are they the ratings leader? Simple answer, more people believe that they are the most balanced of the news networks and therefore are preferred by most people. Again thats the NEWS end of things and not the dumb opinion shows.
Well, then you've provided a clear and testable hypothesis for whether Fox as a channel is more biased than other news outlets. Essentially, you are claiming that the more opinion shows has, the more biased they are.
With that I present this factoid:
"The Project on Excellence in Journalism study[38] showed that 68 percent of Fox cable stories contained personal opinions, as compared to MSNBC at 27 percent and CNN at 4 percent."
Ref: Project for Excellence in Journalism, State of the News Media 2006: An Annual Report on American Journalism
Can be found at:
I leave it to you to go, read the report, and, I am certain, come up with some way to dismiss it.