Re: Dark Elves?
Yes, they are just miniatures that were recoloured/sized. I usually draw by hand, but, well... Last time I tried that (albeit for a HUGE mod), I sort of got tired...
The corsair needs to be reposed, 'cause he's doing that crazy "stare wildly into the omniscient deity's face as ha watches the battle" thing.
Now, for the actual mod:
Dark Elf, WH:
WS 4 BS4 S3 T3 W1 A1 I5* Ld 8 M5
Light armour, spears/repeating crossbows.
Hatred of high elves
*Generally, Dark Elves are thought of as even faster than High Elves. With the new "speed of asuryan" giving all high elves 'always strike first,' I'm going to assume DE will receive something similar.
Dark Elf, Dominions:
S 10
Hp 9
Mr 10
Prec 12
Att 12
Def 13
Ap 2/14
Mor 12
There are some serious issues with the equipment- for example, a repeater x-bow fires twice as rapidly as an ordinary bow, with the same range and killing power. It is as accurate as a human (prec 10) archer. Nratt2 looks really odd with ranged weapons, but the other option is to make them essentially bows. Opinions?
Sea dragon cloaks offer protection against only shooting, so I guess they'll be prot 0, decent parry shields.
Dark magic also poses some minor problems- death is appropriate, but not much else. I was thinking some air or astral or even water (also, with the slanesh influence...)
Blood could work in theory as well.
Warriors, two kinds (x-bow and spear/shield)
Corsairs (Two weapons, sea dragon cloak, light armour)
Witch Elves (Two weapons, really good combat troops, berserk, unarmoured.)
Shades (stealthy, high precision, x-bows and swords.)
Executioners (Heavy infantry, unique great sword (draich,) has actual armour)
Black Guard (Halberd, high stats, maybe sacred, cap only, expensive)
Now, how about killing blow or eternal hatred?
Dark Riders (Fast, spears and x-bows. Die easily, maybe stealthy)
Cold One Knights (Slower, deadlier. High stats. Knights on lizards, basically.)
Hydras (Fire Breathing many headed war beasts. Probably via spell or a beastmaster summon.)
Reaper bolt thrower (Err� Nratt 6 heavy crossbows. Not sure about this one.)
Manticores (Flying beastie with good stats, fear. summon)
Black Dragons (run for your life, summon)
Harpies (puny and weak, but they fly)
Sorceresses- threeish points of magic, death 2 and something else 1. Dark magic spells will basically kill stuff a lot (Doombolt, Black Horror, Soul Stealer, etc.)
High Sorceresses- sixish points of magic. Seriously considering D4, something else 2.
Nobles- Good stats, good leaders.
Highborne-Really good stats, excellent leaders.
Assassin- Really Really good stats (how the heck do I represent WS9 I10 ??!!), assassin, stealthy.
Beastmaster- Tolerable stats, can summon war beasts. Don�t think I�ll mount it on a manticore.
Druchii Anointed- Really Really Very good stats, D2 magic, summoned. Armed with Lifetaker and Draich of Dark Power.
That�s it, I think.
Edit: Updated preview. I actually like my anointed (top right.)
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Ut est meus fortuna.