Endoperez said:
Roguelikes are games where player skill matters as much, or even more, than character skill. Unfortunately, for most roguelikes this means that to have a chance of completing the game, you have to read some spoilers.
You are confusing game lore / mechanics obscurity and skill. Skill and tactics matters in Crawl, and if you point out an area where Crawl is unfair, the developers will often try to remedy that. Case in point: I managed to get Scroll of Enchant Weapon III and Enchant Armour changed. That is, now their description (at least in trunk) should mention, that they can be used to make some weapon brands permanent, or transform hides into armour.
Nethack is often taken as an example where spoilers have extreme impact on success. Crawl tries to reduce the need for spoilers. Some essential things like racial skill aptitudes are now a part of the manual.