B0rsuk said:
Foodstamp said:
Hooray for single player games like Master of Magic where balance can take a backseat to variety.
While this is generally true, MOM has exceptionally bad balance. Mana cost of some summon spells is just crazy.
I think Sprites are not very cost effective. They have high cost, upkeep, and only 4 shots.
Besides, Sprites are not better at running away than any other creature. I remember, from manual (available on The Underdogs) that there's a flat chance of running away. The chance is something like 50% or 75% per unit, and 0% on Easy difficulty. You'll need a lot more than 4 shots to kill something like a Great Wyrm ! How many groups of Sprites does it take to kill a Wyrm ?
Sprites do not need to run away. You fire off your shots at a Wrym, and then hit 'End Turn' or whatever the button is, 50 times, and the combat times out without loss of any Sprites. I think you need 3 or 4 to kill one Wrym per combat.