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Old March 9th, 2008, 01:21 PM
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Default Re: Thoughts on Hidden In Sand?

_better_ warriors, or more warriors ?

My opinion:

Both unrozen and Dust Walkers are size2 giants. Dust Walkers have 25-25 hp, 9 prot, 12 att 16 def (warrior). All have shields and heat, but no cold resistance. Simply put, they're tough. The priest has very varied randoms - Aside from HH, I've seen death, fire, earth and astral. Unfortunately Kopesh is not a magical weapon. Overall, Hidden in Sand are nice, but I think overpriced. Their stats are great all across the board, but it's hard to say how cost-effective they really are.

I think Hidden in Snow < Hidden in Sand. First, warriors and even regulars have shields and high Def. Second, fiery undead are a bit unusual. Third - even more weird - you get fiery undead for earth gems ! WTF ? Talk about unexpected. Sand gets you a priest, too. The only advantage of Unfrozen I can think of are those weird, lenth 4 magical flint swords.
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