Tir na N\'Og Perfidy
StormCrow, Prophet of the FrostFather, surveyed the battlefield. A double-killing, this was, since during the sacking of the enemy encampment they had been set upon by another howling horde.
It had been a swift and brutal battle with the new attackers, and nearly fatal. One Ulmish Steel Warrior had been gifted with a mis-shot arrow and had vowed to find the Warrior Maiden who had made THAT shot. But he had survived.
Of the enemy, two were seen to escape. Among the dead were the standards of Tir na N'Og and StormCrow decided a reckoning must be made. He would shield the Warrior Maiden from the wrath of the injured Steel Warrior and instead lead a delegation to seek reparations from Tir. Scouts had informed him where their leaders could be found.