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Old February 26th, 2008, 12:32 PM

fantasma fantasma is offline
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Default Re: FruitBat - EA newbie game - upload pretenders

Thanks llamabeast for setting up the server and the games, that really runs great (as I can tell so far).

If nobody objects I can do the admin stuff.

As we are on the subject, I am away over the easter weekend, Thursday morning (20th) till Tuesday noon (25th), or 4+ days. If several other players are taking days off, we could stop the timer or I have to find a sub, provided I will be still in the game.

Anyways, the tribes of Marverni, used to fight it out amongst themselves are now hearing the call of the awaking god and are marching forward united, so beware and do not cross their path, as they have a hot temper. However, the advice of the druids is usually heeded, and these are wise and peaceful, unless provoked. If so, they will turn into formidable foes!

So everybody interested in trading, alliances or just a little chat, is welcome to contact me.
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