Re: Proportions mod 1.5.2 released (and web page)
PvK, thank you very much for this mod !
I tried the mod first time yesterday and I am now totally enchanted by it !
This is indeed how SEIV should be made in the first place, IMHO.
The mod is so good and so revolutionary that I want to suggest to change the mod name to something more catchy, like "real universe mod", "SEIV as it should be", etc.
Other mods, like P&N or Devnulmod, have nice and inventive ship components and facilities but none comes even close to the fantastic change in game play provided by Proportions mod.
You mentioned in mod info that this mod is not good for single player because AI is not adapted to it. However, I think that with some AI tweaks it can be actually made much more chalenging than even TDM-Modpac.
Just consider what happens in "normal" SEIV when you play against, for example, medium-bonus AI.
At first, AI has an edge due to the 3X bonus to production, science and constraction. But soon enough, more efficient expansion and build up by human player eradicates this advantage. This is may not be true in "propotions". Home worlds are extremely important. Even after human player colonize dozens or so worlds, homeworld still provide you the major chunk of production and science. It means that even after many years and frantic build-up by human player, 3X AI bus applied to its homeworld, should still gives AI a big edge. I like it, I really, really like it.
The only problem is how to make AI to protect homeworld at all cost. There was a thread some time ago about planetary defence and how to beef it up. There were some very good ideas posted, as I remember.
There are some good weapon changes in this mod. I certainly welcome better torpedoes. However, it made some nice racial weapons next to useless. For exapmle, temporal canons and high-energy magnifiers are completely inferior to improved quantum torpedoes and WMG.
Overall, crystalline trait needs either decrease in cost or ehhanced weapons/facilities. The planetary development is now much more important and while organic (replicant center), temporal (temporal space yard) and religious (nature shrine) help you, crystalline gives you nothing in this respect. Psychic may need some adjustments too.
Cheers and thank you very much again for this mod.
[ 25 March 2002: Message edited by: oleg ]
[ 25 March 2002: Message edited by: oleg ]
It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets. - Voltaire