Thread: Next turn
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Old January 3rd, 2008, 08:13 PM

Charlie007 Charlie007 is offline
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Default Re: Next turn

Mobhack said:
evan said:
yeah right; having wiped a game by mistake just leave it as it is.

happy new year all
The original SSI games as I recall, had no Y/N confirmation, so a mis-click on the end turn button could cause problems.

AFAIR - the Y/N confirmation was one of the first things we put in when we got hold of the SSI source, as a much-requested item from the end users.

As far as the original poster's request for a "mouse click" item, then the entire game would need to be redesigned, since it is based on the keyboard interface (it was a DOS 1990's game after all). One could use the SP3 type of interface with a message box slap in the centre of the screen - but near everyone detested that!. And it would need 999 different bits of code revisited and recoded and retested, where most folks are happy to simply poke the "Y" key..

I already have a message box dialogue in the code, however, it uses the Windows MessageBox - so in full screen mode that gets the palette borked since full screen rewrites all the colours in the video controller, including the 15 low order colours that Windows expects to be untouched, even in 256 colour mode. Would therefore only be useful in a windowed mode only game, as the 256 colours are then mapped by the WinVFX library to 5-5-5 RGB colours, and also one can default buttons if using that widget, so enter would do for the keyboard junkies. However, back in the day, the end user community wanted full-screen mode. I much prefer running in windowed mode (but sized to take the desktop) these days - It leaves the windows task bar (with clock, and email notification visible), and saves problems with those apps that seem to screw about with the Windows full screen palette should you alt-tab - mainly Microsoft Office 97, and Excel in particular. If I am using EXCEL when doing pick list mods (the picks source are in spreadsheets), then I really have to remember to change to windowed mode, to avoid any "psychedelic" mode happening in full-screen mode when testing the mods!.


I only play in windows mode, so can I have the message box dialogue box?
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