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Old December 12th, 2007, 09:40 PM

Zogundar Zogundar is offline
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Default Re: Remove Curses and Horror Marks?

Disable entirely sounds good.

So the "copystats" units look the same, they have the same name, but their stats are now garbage and they lack the old stats? Would it be possible, then, to create a new unit stat that is the same, except without their Horror Mark ability? Or do you have to use pre-existing ones?

D'oh! You're right! I completely forgot about the "Start the turn over from the beginning" thing.

As I said before, I just really hate incurable ailments. Stuff like that has always bugged me, be it Essence loss in Shadowrun or this. Regular afflictions bug me too, but knowing that they can be gotten rid of (Albeit with some difficulty in most cases) is "satisfactory." I'm obsessive, that way. I like to keep things in proper working order, maintain armies with nice round numbers of units, and no voices complaining about their backs. So something that increases the frequency of me having to "fix" my Perfect Order is a source of great vexation. Curious though, what are these other "incurable" injuries you speak of? I was not aware of any Afflictions that had no method of removal (Even the Old Age induced ones can be fought off..)

And Horror Marking.. well that really cheeses me off. Especially the idea of using it on a pretender god. From there on it's basically "rush rush rush" to end the game before you succumb to oblivion, and that's another annoyance of mine. I like to take my sweet time. Backstory wise, there's any number of ways, I would think, to justify removing it. A Global Enchantment that severs the link between the two worlds, for example. Even if dispelled, the horrors would have since lost track of their quarry. How's that?
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