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Old December 9th, 2007, 11:29 PM

MasterChiToes MasterChiToes is offline
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Default Re: Planet Rotation Speeds

I am pretty happy with my planets spinning just twice as fast 0.0002. In testing, I had them going 0.001 and I think there was too much motion on the map.

If I recall correctly, the Random() calls are re-called every time you view a new system... so the planet spins will keep changing.
Can they be tied to planet conditions or the map location hex's (x,y) or something? I don't know if the XFileClasses_Stellar.txt can accept functions/equations/variables.

BTW, there is a FQM bug... with the Lacota Gas_None planets (which personally, I just wouldn't use)...
Planet Surface Empty := PlanetSurface_Gas_None_Empty.bmp
Planet Surface Colonized := PlanetSurface_Gas_None_Colonized.bmp
These bmp's don't exist... and their absence will crash the game, at least if the planets are colonized and then viewed.

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