I decided that I'd match up the supply and ordnance storage capacity to the same ratio as it exists in storage components. That is 25:10 supplies to ordnance. I'll also match up production to this same rate.
Each Cargo Facility will provide a base of 25000 supply storage and 10000 ordnance storage, up to a max of 50000 supply and 20000 ordnance.
The new numbers for v1.12:
Pop Facil Cargo Supply Ord
Tiny 500 5000 5000 125000 50000
Small 1000 10000 10000 250000 100000
Medium 2500 15000 15000 375000 150000
Large 5000 20000 20000 500000 200000
Huge 10000 25000 25000 625000 250000
Ring 25000 100000 100000 2500000 1000000
Sphere 50000 200000 200000 5000000 2000000
Pop Facil Cargo Supply Ord
Tiny 100 1000 1000 25000 10000
Small 200 2000 2000 50000 20000
Medium 500 3000 3000 75000 30000
Large 1000 4000 4000 100000 4000
Huge 2000 5000 5000 125000 50000
Ring 5000 20000 20000 500000 200000
Sphere 10000 40000 40000 1000000 400000