Re: OOBs way out of whack?
Every once in awhile we get a "complaint" that makes me wonder if we are all playing the same game but with all your buggering about with the preferences God only knows what's happening with your game. First we had the "Unkillable aircraft!!!" thread and now this. Marek ran a test with the preferences settings set the way you say you seem to have them and got NONE of the results you claim. I just ran a test scenario with the preferences set normally with US bazooka teams in a trench with the trench in trees and Tiger tanks four hexes away and I saw ONE tiger destroyed as the result of a "Shot hits target weak point for 2 extra penetration" and I've run that test 4 times from both the US and German perspectives. I've seen lot's of Bazooka teams destroyed though . I've also see way more bazooka misses than hits and WAY more hits without killing penetration than hits that kill. I had one Tiger hit in one test game at LEAST ten times and all it ended up with was 3 points of damage.
In the DOS version it was possible for the preferences file to pick up bad data and cause all kinds of weirdness. We changed the way that was saved in the windows version and have not had any problems with it but there are always exceptions and since your results are WAY off the scale here is what I suggest you do.....
Go to WinSPWW2\Game Data and DELETE the file Game Preferences.ini. A new one will be generated when you start up the game. You will need to reset Breakdowns to ON and possibly the Hex grid, ID tags and fast arty and "AI tank Heavy"( depending on what you prefer ) Then adjust the battle points and map size and then LEAVE THE PLAYER PREFERENCES ALONE and play the game that way for a few weeks but for fun, before you do, please take a screen shot of your preferences so we can all see what you have set there now. It *MAY* be possible that you have found some flaw in the preferences code when they are screwed way off normal but I won't know that until I see what you have set up there now.......better still, zip up your existing Preferences.ini. and post it to this thread. That way we all can see EXACTLY what you have in there now.