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Old November 6th, 2007, 02:47 PM

Lord_Bob Lord_Bob is offline
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Default Grossly, insanely different PD strengths

For LA T'ien Ch'i, you have, per PD point below 20,
1 Footman(9 protection, no shield, decent damage)
1 Archer(9 protection and a 12 point damage Composite Bow)
1 Barbarian Horseman(with a Composite Bow AND a light lance)
40 Gold per point

For Patala, you get these(I didn't bother to figure out the numbers, because I don't CARE how many there are)
Some Markata "soldiers"(Morale 7, Melee Damage 8, yes 8, 0 protection, 5 hitpoints)
Some Markata "archers"(Morale 7, Bow Damage 6, yes 6, 0 protection, 5 hitpoints)
1/2 Per Point(YES THAT'S ONE EVERY OTHER POINT) Atavi "Soldier"(Morale 8, Protection 1)
1/2 Per Point(YES, AGAIN, THAT'S ONE EVERY OTHER POINT!) Atavi "Archer"(Morale 8, Protection 1)

Now, with the Barbarian Horsemen shooting their deadly Composite Bows and then getting a lance "one shot" to anyone who reaches them, I can see how they are going to lay down some damage. I can also see how any level of semi-decent archer fire is going to rout any quantity of Patalian PD. They just cannot win against anything with arrows. ANYTHING!