Huntsman said:
OK, so I'll use the DB for the details but the item name will have to come from the manual, which seems to match the name the players see in the game.
Getting back to the DB, looking at Smasher as an example, what is the column "eff#"? It shows 328. Where can I cross-reference that number?
ok, looks like 328 is Crusherknack. But looking at the Dom2 MIQR it says Smasher also has the ability of "+Damage vs Constructs/Undead" but I don't see that anywhere in the DB. So which is right?
Take a look at the properties of Crusherknack in the weapons page. Smasher, at its heart, is a weapon, which has the secondaryeffect crusherknack, which deals extra damage to constructs. That's the property of the cursherknack weapon.
So, ifa weapon item lists which weapon it grants, go to the weapons display page and look it up. If that weapon has a secondaryeffect or secondaryeffectalways listed for it, look that weapon up in the weapons display to see what it does. Targets that get hit will suffer both effects. This is how e.g. Fire Brands work: first the target is hit with the firebrand's 12 ap damage, then everyone in the square is hit with 8 ap fire damage due to the secondaryeffectalways of small area fire.