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Old October 16th, 2007, 10:26 AM
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Captain Kwok Captain Kwok is offline
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Default Re: 1.10

Arralen said:
  • AI/Autodesign puts "Crew Quarters" and "Live Support" into O, not I, even if there's plenty of room in I left.
  • Colonizer get send and park over suitable worlds forever, if the AI is not allowed to build in that system because of a treaty (maybe hardcoded).
  • Colonizers (AI) should not carry ordnance storage.
  • Sometimes "autodesign" does not work (haven't noted down when it happened exactly, most likely was an "Explorer" design early in the game.
There's no way to tell how many inner versus outer slots remain on a design, so sometimes LS or CQ are placed on the outer slots to

The colonizers will get new orders. It might take a turn or two until another colonizable planet crops up though.

Colonizers carry ordnance storage so that the colonies they found have some ordnance.
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