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Old October 16th, 2007, 04:15 AM
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Saber Cherry Saber Cherry is offline
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Default Re: 1.10

Maybe bugs:

AI still likes to request aid from me often, but rejects aid when I offer it. I don't really think the AI should ever reject a gift of resources...

An AI empire sent some destroyers to hammer my undefended colonies. The destroyers were armed with level 3 Meson Blasters. And after shooting long enough to run out of supplies, they still never killed a single population. This was on 2 different planets. I guess it is due to the 50% ground damage multiplier and high population structure, but it seems really wierd, and cripples the AI's ability to wage war.

Trade Treaty % is messed up (probably the game engine). In the text file, you seem to have set it to max at 12%, in 2% increments. In the game, it is still displayed as 5% increments up to 30%, in the treaty setup screen. However, I have 4 trade treaties, and for each of them I selected 30% max. Two max at 12%, one maxxed at 17%, and one at 27%. It's kind of baffling...

More like anomalies:

Small Ordinance Vat and Large Ordinance Vat are proportionately different in terms of storage generation. Maybe this is intentional, but I would have expected one to be exactly 4x of the other.

Weapon Platform and Satellite Cores both store twice as much supply per kT as supply storage.

Mine Layer gains a level every tech level, while Fighter Bay, Drone Launcher, and Sat Bay all gain a level every 2 tech levels. This means mine layers can quickly pass up cargo bays in storage/kT, which is strange.

Fighter Engines got twice as good (since fighters need half as many points per move now) but afterburners stayed the same. So now, afterburners are really pathetic. Perhaps 1 kT size would be better?

Because Fighter Rocket Pods can now target... everything, they are utterly devastating in fighter battles. In 1.09, I was using rocket pods for anti-ship fighters and APBs for anti-fighter fighters. But if a rocket fighter can kill a beam fighter so fast that they each only shoot each other once, then rocket fighters become the best in all situations, rendering other weapons irrelevant. Ordinance is a non-issue, since rocket pods already contain enough for 500 damage, and fighters generally die or win before using it all.
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