Thread: Help?
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Old October 10th, 2007, 12:50 PM
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Default Re: Help?

Hi, are you sure that you got the game from Shrapnel or one of their official resellers. If you have been handed an unofficial copy by some devious pirate you might experience that the game hangs or craches. I'm not sure how this plays out, but I seem to recollect that the 'convarmy-whatever' is such a crash.

If you have bougth the game from Shrapnel your CD-key should be present on the inside of the cover of the manaul. Try to reinstall the game and use the CD-key from your manual. If this doesn't work, please contact Shrapnel or us.

If you actually have an unlawful copy of the game I hope that you will find it good enough to be worth a buy .