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Old September 16th, 2007, 04:47 PM

Wick Wick is offline
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Default Re: Blood Magic, Demon Knights, and Vampires

I assume that a creature shapeshifting has its morale reset, but what is the effect on squad morale? For instance, if a vampire form has 10 morale and a misty form has 1 and a squad started that started with 10 vampires is now 5 & 5 then is it now below 80% of the "starting" morale? I'd guess it is but don't know.

Giving the misty forms morale 50, so they don't count toward squad morale, might also work if, when they changed back, they check if the squad routed. Would they?

And yes, vampires would be impossible to kill short of staking, garlic, fighting in the daylight, or cutting off their retreat. I think that's pretty thematic.
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