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Old August 27th, 2007, 07:42 PM

Maraxus Maraxus is offline
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Default Re: EA Svarya Enchanted Forest

Hm, good thinks first: Your pictures simply looks amazing, how do you do this?

1. You overwrote Eriu. Take a nation Number of 70 or higher.
2. The Vila Wolf is very strong and very cheap.
Etheral + holy for 25 gold? If they were not holy, I'd say okay. With this ... very strong. More like 40 gold.
3. Your commanders: Price = Magic. - At least it should be. 90 gold for the chief is much (60-70 would work) but your mages are underpriced. Your Priest of Perun could better be ~120-130 gp. Only reason one could make him so cheap is the extreamly old age (I don't really know, why he is sooo old, however.
Likewise the Air/Nature priest: He looks more like 200 and should be only slightly above his 100 year old age line.

Last the 400 gp Capital only Vila: Compared to the Oreiad, she has:
Etheral (!)
+3Holy (!)

-1 magic
-5 MR

and minor stuff. Seduction +Fly is very useful, especially for a capital only unit and the other thinks are better, too.

Plus, you have Holy 3 priests and good sacrets - this is dangerous.

4. Oh and it's nice to say, which resources you have used, in the beginning of the dm-file. That way, players can compare, if two mods are compatible with another.
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