I guess an explanation is in order for the uninitiated who didn't hear about this idea before: Dom3 has a number of people who take a lot of effort to get new nations into the game which aren't there by default. There are some very beautiful creations around in the "Dom 3 Scenarios, Maps and Mods" forum. However, many of these creations are aiming to create a fun new single player game, and are not on par with the base nations. Trying to get them on the same power level as base nations would mean to greatly lobotomize the nation from the original version. So they would hardly see any action in MP games, which is a shame considered that there are some very beautiful creations around that fall into this category. So, the idea is to have a fun game instead of a serious one, allow anything, and hope that people picking the most powerful mods (or diplomacy) balances it out again.
And mod creators can try out their own mods against other mods in a semi-serious game... (hint hint, DrPraetorius!)
The game name is courtesy of Sombre, by the way...