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Old August 25th, 2007, 03:00 PM
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Tuidjy Tuidjy is offline
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Default Starving is quite harsh. Do you think it is OK?

I know that many people are under the impression that units do not start
getting diseased until the second month of low supplies. This is simply
no true. It had happened to me before, but I had never been 100% sure.

This time I am. In my last game, I have been fighting a player with a deadly
dominion who started completely ruining his provinces once he realized he could
not stop me. I never had an army starve more than one turn, but I was getting
tons of diseased troops. But on the last turn, I had a reinforcing army, fresh
from being recruited, reconquer a province that fell to a barbarian horde. I
have the previous turn, so I am sure that none of my troops were diseased. The
barbarians were shot to pieces before they made it to my ranks. The army started
from a recruiting province, where troops stay for a while - I doubt there is a
disease site there. The reconquered province has four sites, and none of them is
disease generating.

Still, the army had only 95 out of 156 supplies. Out of 136 troops and 5
leaders, 101 were hungry, and 5 got a disease. It is not the end of the world,
but the community knowledge says that troops do not get diseases the first month,
and the number of starving troops is somehow related to number of lacking
supplies. This does not seem to be the case to me.

Is this working as intended? Personally, I do not like it. I abandoned a game
when 75% of a 600 strong army got diseased because it lacked about 20 units of
supplies. I was fighting LA Ermor, I got a bloody 'lucky' event from his lucky
domain, ended up with 0 out of the 20 supplies required, and bang, game over.
At the time, I let myself be convinced that I had left my army rest on top of a
disease site. Now I believe that it was a result of starving for one turn in a
strong death dominion.

So, do you guys think that troopers should get diseases the first month? From a
realism point of view, it's fine. But I think it is really annoying, because
there is no way to check supply before attacking, and unless your army carries
enough wine to have heavily negative supply requirements, you always risk losing
troops to disease and starvation.
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