Atrocities said:
Who would have thought that some of the greatest epic literature of the last 100 years would all come from that little island nation.
LOL! You crack me up sometimes AT. This 'little island nation' does have something of a tradition when it comes to literature, and there's substantially more to 20th Century British literature than Rowling and Tolkien.
I've read the first Harry Potter book, and it was OK. I didn't really understand the hype, but then I'm not 9 years old. If it makes kids feel the way I did when I was a nipper reading the Narnia books, then the hype is justified.
IMHO a far better read (than Rowling, and probably even than Lewis) is Phillip Pulman's His Dark Materials Trilogy, which is another kids' series that appeals to adults, althouth admittedly HDM seems to be aiming a little older than Potter. Read the books now, so you can fully enjoy the big-screen cgi-fest that's hitting the cinemas soon.
I still think they should have cast Rik Mayall (in his
Lord Flashheart persona) as
Lord Asriel.