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Old July 11th, 2007, 04:27 PM
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Default Re: Boiling the Ocean (Organizing)

Nix said:
Well I had a blast, but as the Abyssians are finally beating down the walls of Caelum, it seems I won't be able to survive and greet my new overlords from R'lyeh. At any rate, I come out suitably amazed by the Mammoths' ability to crush any kind of melee opposition. I consider that I made two mistakes: 1. didn't establish enough diplomatic relations, so that that option was closed when came time to fight Abysia; and 2. should have made the mad dash to besiege Abysia's castle early on instead of trying to capture the secondary fortification at Qennan.
Nix, I must say that this makes two of us, I was completely amazed with what a mass of mammoths can do - they become worth ten times their cost and as you said they simply crush *any* smaller (in size) melee opposition, be it ten or even twenty times larger (in numbers).

As for an early rush towards my capital, I can only tell that I expected exactly that and was surprised when you settled in in Qennan, I think I would have done better had you made that move and I can relate privatly to you the why of that.

All in all, I think you have played excellently, and have made the conquest of Caelum to be a most bloody affair for my armies.
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