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Old July 5th, 2007, 07:30 PM

Aleph Aleph is offline
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Default Re: Looking for a little more on LA Caelum

Sandman - I suppose I could get good use out of the air boosters, but it's pretty easy to get an A3 Harab Elder. I figured I'd use a ring of wizardry to boost the Harab enough to make air boosters and the Staff of Storms (which is what I really want, and is available at C6 as well).

Gandalf - I've seen that advice here and there, but I find that the resource costs for many of the Caelum troops to be high enough that I want pretty solid blocks (or at least blobs) of provinces. I don't mind jumping in, taxing 200%, and jumping out, but I just can't see the effectiveness of this unless you're literally just using Mammoths and mages (very high power/resource)... which might be the best approach, I don't know. Just seems a shame to have such variety of troops and have them all be "meh."

I took a break from Dominions for a while and am trying out nations I never understood the first time around... Caelum is at the top of this list, but maybe it's not for me. It seems like Caelum's missile troops should be good, from their self-description, but I'm not seeing it. (On the other hand, LA Agartha's crossbowmen talk about their poor eyesight, but they are ripping it up from where I'm sitting...)

Megaloblob - I guess Ice Strike would be nice, although if we're buffing it might be just as well to amp death by another point and just spam raise skeletons. Slime sounds fun, and I've never used it, so I'll give it a shot.

Blue dragon? Dom 10 W4 or another model? I was more thinking of earth wyrm due to the reinvigoration synergies with the Harab Elders I assume will be doing most of my combat heavy lifting later on, but I could also see how a flying SC would definitely help out their lacklustre flying troops.

Thanks for the storm guard advice - will try out.
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