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Old June 4th, 2007, 09:47 PM
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Default Re: OT: Null has gone looney and wants to GM.

I wouldn't mind resting for 1.5 months to pick up a new animal companion. UMD is a class skill and I've got skill points to spare, so I could put some ranks into that easily at 6th level.

Whoa, lesser vigor is on the Druid list. Guess I'll buy some wands of lesser vigor soon then, although that CLW has been useful in combat situations to restore people quickly

Can we use the Magic Item Compendium? There's some sweet items there, like the Healing belt... +2 on Heal checks, 3 charges/day. 1 charge: 2d8 heal, 2 charges 3d8, 3 charges 4d8 points of healing as a standard action, could be quite useful given our tendency to take first strikes.

Also, Improved Grapple looks like an excellently useful choice given how helpful that is for piling on damage.
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