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Old June 1st, 2007, 10:27 PM

jutetrea jutetrea is offline
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Default Re: I so love flogging a dead horse

Well, that's pretty brutal. If you've got a good test bed, can you try against F9W9 blessed Vans? or E9N9 blessed giants?

Brutal results, but its still unit to unit. If they handily defeat dual blessed troops then a change is needed. Yes its free points, but that's almost the point of the exercise... MA Ulm kind of sucks - maybe the extra points are needed, maybe they need a free "blessed" unit. If 20 dual blessed vans demolish 20 ulm summons, I still don't see a problem. Hell, if they're even I still don't see a problem. On the other hand, if the vans get demolished, it needs a change. I'd probably say 1:1 vans 2:1 giants 1:3 jags.

Do you have a specific test bed set up, or just using a basic map editor?
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