Re: Idea thread: special provinces, unique defende
If possible "kingdoms" sound cool.
I remember seeing a map on the dom2 site that reminded me of a Warcraft 2 map, 6 or so spokes to a wheel with a set of provinces at the end of each spoke. 2 nations would start on a spoke and then conquer their way towards the middle. The kingdom idea sounds cool because then you could have concentric rings of increasing strength towards the middle.. a king of the hill type thing.
Also quest type scenarios...hmm, is it possible to generate in game messages via map/script/mod? Even if pre-set i.e. on turn 20 an all message goes out - province #42 is the home to an evil black dragon, blah blah.
At its most simple level it would be cool to have something like an NPC pre-set kingdom - castle with a "boss" surrounded by provinces filled with minions.
Hmm.. guess I have to give the DB a deeper look, must have skipped some tabs. Thanks for the answers.