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Old May 28th, 2007, 11:30 PM
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Default Re: Idea thread: special provinces, unique defende

First let me thank Endoperez for taking on what I just don't have the energy left to do. Endo, you always explain everything so much better than I can!

Definitely some great ideas in this thread.

I will try to answer a few questions:

Is it possible to force provinces to be next to each other in a random setting? i.e. 2 related provinces right next to each other.
That is something that Endo has asked for in the past and that I would like to add in the next version as "kingdoms".

Is there a designation in the database for what nation a unit is generally associated with? For instance, query out anything not related to Machaka.
There is a tab with nations & their units, but not a field in the "All Units" tab. That would be a very nice addition though. I would be afraid to incur Edi's wrath by asking for another field, safer to add it ourselves. (Just picking Edi )

Using heroes as units - (not the generic hero unit) the uniques that appear per nation. How are they listed in the DB?
If I remember correctly, there is a field at the far right on the "All Units" sheet called "special" or something like that. I remember seeing notes there designating a unit as being a particular nations hero.

Neighbors to a province - automatically done during map creation?
Neighbors should already be done by the map designer or by the games random map generator. RanDom doesn't touch them.

Is it possible to script units/commanders via map file? Or even position them?
Nope, but would be a welcome addition if a simple way were given.

If a unit is given F6 for magic, do they have access to the while spell book or are they limited to 0 lvl spells? Seems like they have access, but are there any restrictions? Can you give a unit 15S/gems and hope he casts master enslave?

I have wondered about this for some time. I wonder if since independents are considered a nation unto themselves if they don't quietly do research in the background. By late game, I usually have any Independents that I am going to attack already cleared out, so this is just speculation.

I think that the only way to give gems to an independent commander is via gem generating items and I have heard (from Gandalf?) that sometimes they will receive them when using #randomequip.
RanDom v2 - Map gen & Semirandomizer.
Province Editor - Custom province creation made easier.
God Editor - Custom pretender creation made easier.
Map Forge - Map editor
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