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Old May 27th, 2007, 12:33 PM

jutetrea jutetrea is offline
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Default Re: Idea thread: special provinces, unique defende

No, its just harder to find them in the DB if you don't know names. I used the online tool for formatting, and had the database open - just switched back and forth. Plus it was like 3AM here.

I'm all for using uniques, plan on a

province where all the horrors hang out when not assassinating people.
Elemental Nodes - fire, air, water, earth
Sorcery Nodes - Astral, Nature, blood, death
do a little research and figure out the naming for that arabic mountain castle where all the assassin's hung - hashishen or something. Aby/machaka themed
Mayan/Aztec temple - Mictlan themed
Bottomless pit/broken seal - agartha themed
There be dragons
Olympus - home of the gods

Is it possible to force provinces to be next to each other in a random setting? i.e. 2 related provinces right next to each other.

Is there a designation in the database for what nation a unit is generally associated with? For instance, query out anything not related to Machaka.

Using heroes as units - (not the generic hero unit) the uniques that appear per nation. How are they listed in the DB?

Neighbors to a province - automatically done during map creation?

Is it possible to script units/commanders via map file? Or even position them?

If a unit is given F6 for magic, do they have access to the while spell book or are they limited to 0 lvl spells? Seems like they have access, but are there any restrictions? Can you give a unit 15S/gems and hope he casts master enslave?
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