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Old May 18th, 2007, 05:28 PM
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Default Re: Summoning vs Forging

Sensori said:
Problem with SCs I've always seen is that they can be killed by magic, no matter how high their MR is.
This is what I find, I have had so many SC's with MR 25-30+ killed by a lucky soul slay, petrify, converted by enslave mind or horror marked to death or feeble minded etc, etc...

Just spam any of those at a SC and you will get lucky pretty quickly. The SC will be lucky to survive 2+ battles. This is a poor return.

Also putting your SC with a army offers no real protection, as spells with a 100 precision seem to directly target SC's and ingnore the rest of the army. I believe this is because SC's are generally large size and spells go for those first.
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