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Old March 14th, 2007, 09:28 AM
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Atrocities Atrocities is offline
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Default Re: Vote: Who is still playing SEV ?

Since the demo was released I've railed against the UI so it's gratifying to see Atrocities admit I was right after all.
I have gone back through my posts and can assure you that I have made no such statement. To the best of my recollection I have always stated that the UI has been the most definitively identified negative aspect of the game. Now that most of the bug issues have been addressed I am hopeful that following AI improvements, the UI will be polished. Priorities are what they are and bug fixes will always be at top of the to be fixed queue. UI issues are generally relegated to the bottom of the list of things that need addressing. But eventually they are looked at and in most cases taken care of.

I agree though, the filters do need work as they seem to be as you say rather "clumsy."
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