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Old December 21st, 2001, 03:09 PM

Spyder Spyder is offline
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Default Re: Off Topic DO NOT BUY CIV 3

Does anyone ever wish that they'd update and re-release The Perfect General?

I thought it was a great two-man game. You played the agressor and then the defender and tallyed the points to see who won. Each city or strategic point held counted points. The original game was limited to Armor & Artillery, but the second (which I never played) incorporated some more materiel.

Another game I wish that they'd update and re-release is Global Conquest. The game was done by Dan Bunten (before he became Dani Bunten) and was a great short-term 4x game. You could have up to 4 players; you had to discover resources, defend them and the cities (which were guarded by neutrals) and conduct exploration & war, while trying to maintain resources and funding. One of the very best options of Global Conquest was that you could set up the turn length to one of 4 methods: 1) Unlimited; 2) 5 minutes; 3) 1 minute; 4) Firecracker. Firecracker is the cutthroat setting On the Firecracker mode, when the first person hits his done button, ALL PLAYERS ARE DONE really evil I would make the game board octagonal and increase the number of players to 8 and make the game board a little larger to accomodate that.
Spyder, Chairman of the Arachnid Consortium
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