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Old February 6th, 2007, 02:39 AM

Uncle_Joe Uncle_Joe is offline
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Default Re: Any suggestions for speeding up turn processin


Actually, I guess I'm only on turn 23. I thought it was farther along...

At any rate, turn 22 took over SEVEN minutes to process. Note that not one race (of the 6 in the game on a small map) has more than 9 ships/bases combined. Looking at the turn report, I was involved in 3 battles each involving only TWO COMBATANTS! And that takes SEVEN MINUTES?

Sorry for the rant, but I cant even imagine that people consider this as a playable product. Seven minutes of downtime and a little over 2 minutes to complete my part of the turn. Something is SERIOUSLY wrong with that.

Am I just totally missing something that is adding to the horrid processing time?? I was on the verge of recommending SE5 to my gaming group and trying to muster some multiplayer TCP/IP games (we play Civ4 every now and then). But I think I would be shot for recommending this game at this point. I cant believe its actually a retail release in 2006 with turn times like that.
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