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Old February 6th, 2007, 02:15 AM

Uncle_Joe Uncle_Joe is offline
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Default Re: Any suggestions for speeding up turn processin

Ah well. Thanks for the suggestions guys. I tried them out but without much change. In fact, since I'm about 30 turns into the game now, the turns are getting even longer...

Does almost everyone have turn processing times like this? I can't see how this is even considered playable other than something like PBW. In an hour's worth of gaming I might get 15 turns done and its pretty ridiculous when almost HALF of that time is spent on 'processing' the turns.

Its a damned shame too because for the first time since release I'm actually somewhat drawn to the gameplay. I still think the game feels pretty unpolished, but it is interesting and even somewhat addictive (ie, one...more...turn). But then I think how long I have to wait for that turn and I end up saving it and quitting. Perhaps I'm becoming A.D.D. in my old age, but more likely its recognizing that I have less gaming time than I'd like and the thought of spending half of it watching 'processing turn' doesnt thrill me.

Does anyone know if this is even a priority issue at this point?

Thanks again for the suggestions though. If anyone has any others, I'm willing to try 'em.
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