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Old January 22nd, 2007, 02:23 PM
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Default Re: Anyone working on AI for standard SE V?

Ironmanbc said:
Q said:
If I look at the AI files I understand the reluctance!
For me these files are very hard to understand. Just for instance how do you chan g e the AI design creation?
But I thought you were Q
I am used to snip my fingers to get what I want and not to modify some text files!

On a more serious side it is very bad that the AI design creation is so complex, as it is just terrible in standard SE V: I wiped out a fleet from a well developped AI empire with 7 light cruisers and high level anti proton beams because they didn't have combat sensors and ECM (although they had researched it to a high level). My 3 destroyers didn't take any damage at all!
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