I have already stated that there has not been any wholesale downgrading of the Russian/WP etc OOB's. The main focus was to correct the TI given to Hinds. In the Hungarian OOB that was as early as 1978 which actually predated when the Russian Hinds were getting it. Currently, for those of you who are actually willing to listen, T1... real thermal imaging not radar, starts appearing in the Russian OOB in 1990 which is reasonable give the facts as they are known.( anyone can argue that a Helo with IR gear really had TI gear and not offer proof but that doesn't make it correct ) The specialty OP vehicles that use the GSR little Fred and Tall Mike start in the mid 70's. Thost vehicles are rated at 40 or above which sets the flag to indicate "TI/GSR" both do essentially the same job at this scale so one is interchangeable with the other. A "40" in vision could be TI or GSR, it doesn't matter.
( and I added the SNAR-10 which nobody else seems to have noticed was missing from the Russian OOB and quite a few other OOB's as well which is rated at a "50" vision which puts a Russian player at a distict advantage in the mid 70's to early 80's...... yeah.... we're just crapping all over the Russian player with the V3 release

Some people ( one in particular ) have expressed concerns ( both rationally and otherwise ) that this was done to create a deliberate imbalance in the game to favour the "western" side. This, is patent, utter nonsense but, with some, once an idea takes hold they simply will not listen. Those people will be removed from this forum becasue, as in Kuklinovsky case, he is spouting utter nonsense "They will be albe to smash Soviets like Iraqis with pleasure and everything will be fine" is pure fantasy and it really is sad when people let fantasy rule their thoughts.
The OOB's have not been tweaked to deliberately weaken or strengthen either "side" we have, as always, strived to be fair and impartial in our work on the OOB's. Errors do creep in but with a database this size and much of the information still classified it's to be expected. In this case we corrected an error that had existed almost from the first release of SPMBT and the number of units actually changed is miniscule in relation to the actual number of units for all nations in the game. We've added dual charge HEAT ammo to the game which is almost exclusively a "Russian" ( and their arms customers )addition and that's been totally forgotten.( or just simply ignored )
This entire TI issue was blown way out of proportion for reasons unknown. I explained a number of times that this was not a massive change to the game and it's not.