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Old January 16th, 2007, 02:05 PM
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Default Re: Gandalf\'s Crazy Solo Games

Gandalf Parker said:
Unused terrain types? Which ones are unused?
you know, "firesite", "deathsite", ... as per


Isnt there a site that grants recruiting centaurs? I was looking for it but didnt find it quickly so I gave up.
It's exactly what I need and that I don't have the time to search for. That's why I made a request in the map/mod forum


I also had sites that mixed many different avians, one that was built around dragons, a "lost villiage" that had been taken over by werewolves (***** queen, shapeshifters, and wolves), and another lost village that had become vampires. I was going to set the poptype on the villages to something basically villager so that it seemed once you killed off the weres or vamps you had "returned" the village back to normal. Its too bad that there is no description for provinces but maybe if the were/vamp leaders were named something like Village Elder Mason and Mrs Mason.

Yes, and it would be easy to have a small known site (a mine maybe) as a reward for returning the village to normal.


By the way, be sure to do this only for fun. I know of at least two other people who are at the same point in doing it codewise, and I see rumblings of a possible official version (some of my favorite Dom2 projects got knocked out by official versions). Nothing openly announced though.

Gandalf Parker

At worst the scripts themselves will became redundants, but not the main function library that will always find other usages, that's why I started with it.
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