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Old January 14th, 2007, 03:27 PM

Kuklinovsky Kuklinovsky is offline
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Default Re: Where are default Country Training/Morale poin

Thanks for information!

I have checked some nations and I am quite confused! Let's take 1944 values:

- "R" nation is set as Tito's partisans by default. Their base experience is 60. It is possible in respect of regular combat. But their morale fixed at 60 is completely inadequate! Yugoslavian partisans were fierce fighters. Many times their were able to defeat Nazi occupation forces even in regular battles.

- Polish morale is really funny! As we know there are two Polish armies in the game subordinated to Polish Government-in-exile (PSZ/AK) and Polish communists in USSR (LWP) respectively. Unfortunately I don't know why PSZ has morale 75 and LWP has 65 points. Eventually they are one nation units!
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