Re: Where are default Country Training/Morale points?
You'll see them after you've selected a country for a battle and start buying forces. They'll be different for each country and are likely to change depending on the time period you pick. So pick so nations at various dates and check the scores.
Those values will be the starting values where bonus scores from 'elite' units will be added to and where penalties for 'green' units will be substracted from. You'll see those penalties and bonus in each specific purchase screen for formations (most will have no bonus or penalty for either morale or experience). Try a scout formation, those usually have a small bonus.
Scores of 70/70 represent 'average' scores. Those are troops with adequate basic training and decent morale but without combat experience. A unit with 60 experience represents one with little or pretty bad training, 60 morale is getting a bit shaky. Troops with lower scores will be quite unreliable in combat.
From 75 points of experience onwards you can start considering troops be of higher quality, especially if they also have 70+ morale. If experience gets into the 80's or even 90's you've got 'elite' troops.
Higher experience and/or morale will make units more expensive, lower scores will make them cheaper.