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Old January 5th, 2007, 06:12 PM
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Default Re: Single player question/

HoneyBadger said:
Maybe we'll even get it in Dom3. We can hope, right?
Unlikely since this change would be quite major and there's only two developers which work on this game. I estimate it would take 3 miracles and 4 wish spells for us to see this appear within Dominions_3.

Saxon said:
Space Empires 4 had the option to mod AI and there was a period where some rather strong AI designs came out, designed by players. Is this what you mean by scriptable AI?
Yes indeed... since Illwinter only has two developers including a moddable AI would allow the community to strengthen its weaknesses and the developers could focus on adding more content. Also this would allow Illwinter to say... "If you don't like the AI then improve it yourself or download an AI personality made by someone from within the community."
How I wish I could mod the AI into not sending its pretenders into the death match arena!

Saxon said:
I would say the AI is quite good by industry standards. They have strong openings, but the mid game and end game are progressively weaker. As another poster noted, they have strong battle planning, but their unit purchasing patterns are weak.
Yes the AI is good compared with other existing games, but the gaming industry still is waiting on the first powerfully clever AI opponents. From what I've seen Sid Meiers and his team might be the first to develop a strong AI opponent because last year they posted a job opening where the position focuses purely on Artificial Intelligence.
There can be only one.
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