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Old January 4th, 2007, 09:10 PM
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Default Re: My new favorite SC

Meglobob said:
Besides equipping him with it to enslave enemy armies troops, I was also hoping to get 'free' ashen angels with no real danger to my golem.
Pretty sure this was impossible in Dom II. Ashen Angels, horrors, Earth Strike earth elementals, Ghost Riders wraith lords and longdeads, none of them stuck around after the battle, regardless of whether they'd won, been killed, or been Charmed or Enslaved.

So far he has faced 500+ troops and only a ashen angel has been strong enougth to wound him, thus triggering virtues armour ability of returning.
Heh. I was never sure how to feel about that armor. On the one hand, it means you just might lose a pivotal battle because an enemy thug gets a weak blow in. On the other hand, the inability to lose all that precious loot to anything less than enslavement, instakill spells, or one-hit kills is a good thing to have.

Would solar brilliance be good instead of astral tempest when I am facing undead or a waste of time?
That's one of the few spells with which I've never really experimented. If it's identical to the "secondary" effect on the Forbidden Light, and if your golem is blind, then maybe. It'll reduce a horde of mid- and low-MR undead to dust in an instant, but undead SCs and pretenders can be pretty resistant. Astral Tempest seems to be a good deal more effective against high-MR foes, and only the very weakest of undead are mindless. You'll get bogged down by wave after ineffectual wave of soulless and longdeads, but your Tempest will be taking out the actual necromancers.

By the way, given that your golem has encumbrance 0 and a reinvigoration item (Krupp's Bracers), have you considered dropping the shoes in favor of Boots of Quickness? It might take him a while to get back to 0 fatigue, but twice as many chain attacks per turn are nothing to scoff at.

Also has anyone any suggestions about anything better he could script against flyers?
Can't think of any astral-only spells that are particularly effective against fliers. If you make Astral Shield his second spell, there's a chance any fliers that rush him will be paralyzed and leave him free to complete his script.

Edit: Case sensitive BBCode. Who'da thunk it?
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