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Old January 3rd, 2007, 04:33 PM
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relee relee is offline
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relee is on a distinguished road
Default Re: Introduce yourself!! :-)

Howdy. I'm RELee, just a poor, ol', country boy who's been a-gamin' since the early 70's where I was playing Star Trek on the university main frame and buying games from SPI and reading S&T on a regular basis. 53 years old, married for just 7 days shy of 33 years, and , yes, with children but they are practically grown now, and one puppy round-about 10 weeks old. Got some money for Christmas and it was just enough to purchase a NEW game for a change (instead of waiting for it to show up on the bargin bin). I've been in the computer industry in one way or t'other since 1985 and am now pretty much moochin' off the taxpayers whilst eating Ho-Ho's and browsing the internet. Looking forward to playing a game that is a real change of pace for me, having been playing games primarily devoted to historical period-piece gameplay for a long time now. I hope to have the game in-hand by the weekend.

Y'all be good now. Gotta go.
The aliens are in ... everybodys' eggs.
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