Well, for a while now many people have been saying,
"Give us drones. Give us TCP/IP. Give us a better AI. Give us more options. We want it so bad that we'll pay for it."
So, here it is! Time to put your money where your mouth has been!
For myself, I am excited

-- this is definitely an improved Version of SEIV

-- but I have a non-minor complaint.

I still don't see the two things that I've been asking for (almost since Day One):
1) A scenario editor (like a map editor but with the ability to control everything) to facilitate role-playing with SEIV; and
2) An "external" mode for combat resolution, which would allow you to resolve combat outside of SEIV with any program/game/method of your choice and then enter the results manually.
These two things would be fairly simple to implement, yet would add GREAT potential to the game, so it is kind of aggravating to see them passed over once again.
What do the rest of you think? Will the new empire options plus the map editor be a good enough scenario editor for you? Am I the only one who is acheing for better combat simulation (especially planetary invasion)? Am I a lone wolf, or a cry-baby, or am I on-target? Any insiders care to comment?