Endoperez said:
Raise Skeleton etc aren't good when they aren't massed. The fact that AI prefers to cast them makes it possible for some massed skeleton summons, which can work very well, but is annoying in cases like this. Perhaps mages should prefer to cast spells of their highest path(s)?
Mages casting spells at militia instead of HI or archers is probably due to the fact that targeting HI might kill your own troops, and targeting archers could miss them completely. It could also be due to the fact that militia are easier to kill than HI (no armor) or archers (farther away).
Fire spells won't be cast at totally fire-immune army. Are you sure that there were no Barkskin spells or effects affecting your units (it causes fire resistance to be lowered)?
Stay Behind Troops is a bit strange. In some cases, if the command in question doesn't have a bow and can't cast spells, he will move forward but never past (his own?) troops.
1-I agree with you for the Raise skeleton spell ... Having ONE mage cast it after the 5th turn is pretty useless, and stupid ... Bah.
2-Yep, I guess so. But 4 Falling Fire onto 10 Militias while 20 HI or 10 HC chop my poor lava warriors ... Well, I don't comment any further, I'll be rude ...
Edit : It's doesn't make much sense anyway, because, if I remember well, Falling fire damage is armor piercing. So, casting it on a heavily armored unit isn't a so bad idea.
3-Yep, I'm totally sure. Full Fireproff army, and enemy casters fireflare/fly me ... Very strange, indeed.
4-As you say, usually ... Well, being honest, this rarely happen. But when it happens, ARRGH !