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Old December 12th, 2006, 01:10 PM

Aseth Aseth is offline
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Default Re: Will Vanheim Ever Become Spayed?

okey my little friends, test 2:
middle era.
Van attack from their dominion,C`tis from their

Van - same god, 9f+9w bless 25 vanriders with 24 def + 4 second sacred comanders. (1875 gold for regulars)

C`Tis Miasma,Dominion10,all scales positive exept missfortune, 4 marshmaster, 25 swampguards 25 Slingers, 75 Slaves (2000 gold for regulars, EVOCATION 3 reserched - so NO skelspaming

ups, Van losing 20 of 20....


OK, someone say 75 slaves is to mutch, upkeep,no time, bla-bla-bla

switch my 75 slaves for 25!!!! Swampguards

UPS, Van losing again...

poison slingers KILL all of the UBER-MEGA-Vans

3)OKAY switch 25 cheating-totally-unbalanced slingers to Swampguards, so its 50 swampguards , 75 Slaves total

ups again! van losing! BUT now non total massacre! some Vans survive and escape now! they are trully grate warriors!
now Sleep Clouds kill all Vans, how sad
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