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Old December 12th, 2006, 11:55 AM
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Default Compendium of Spell Effects

The following is a compilation of many different effect numbers I tested in spell modding. While there are a few redundant ones and many that just don't work, there are also quite a few gems such as a self-buff spell with variable effects, Charm, a spell that teleports its targets back to the captitol, and a 'Call Horror'-esque summon. If you want to help by giving me your finds on an effect number or going back to re-examine an italicized one, I would greatly appreciate it. You'll be given credit where credit is due.

Bold text: Has a noticable, usable effect.
Italic text: In an ideal world, I'd perform more experiments with this spell.
Text marked by a smiley: Special thanks to someone.
If there's a smiley-marked but not bold effect, It means I find differently from the contributor.

Combat Spells-
The following, at least mine, were cast using the following code. This is confirmed to work for summoning spells, attack spells, and self-targeting spells.
#newspell #name "Battle Test" #descr "Unknown Effect" #school 3 #effect x #researchlevel 0 #path 0 2 #pathlevel 0 1 #damage 59 #explspr 10001 #nreff 3 #fatiguecost 10 #flightspr 10001 #aoe 1 #range 80 #precision 5 #sound 29 #end

Effect 1: Fire and Summon. Creates a series of projectiles equal to the nratt attribute. Where the projectiles hit, (Never more than a square or two from the caster) a monster specified by the damage attribute appears. Thanks to Johan K. Some find this is a simple summoning spell, without the units first 'firing'.
Effect 4: Bestow Cowardice. Targets have their morale decreased. It may be possible to achieve different attribute changes by changing the damage.
Effect 5-6: Effect unclear. Pretender refuses to cast.
Effect 7-8: Poison. A normal attack spell, though it deals poison damage.
Effect 9: Effect unclear. Pretender refuses to cast.
Effect 10: Sabotage Allies. Gives allies a weakness to fire. Effect likely to change depending on damage attribute.
Effect 11: The Missing Stone Disease. Afflicts targets with Curse of Stones, the Diseased affliction, and the 'It feels like something is missing' affliction, which has no effect. The spell deals minimal damage, which suggests the spell's effect changes depending on the damage attribute.
Effect 12: Effect unclear. Pretender refuses to cast.
Effect 13: Heal. Heals allied targets by an amount equal to damage.
Effect 14: Effect unclear. Pretender refuses to cast.
Effect 15: Vanishment. Targets vanish, recieving no damage, nor the traditional dying 'blood spurt'. After a few turns of vanishing foes my Pretender cast it on himself for some reason, causing my side to rout. He appeared at my home province, and the battle report read no kills. The pretender in question was not Immortal.
Effect 16: Effect unclear. Pretender refuses to cast.
Effect 17: Rally Wusses. Increases the morale of targetted allies. It may be possible to achieve different attribute changes by changing the damage.
Effect 18-19: Effect unclear. Pretender refuses to cast.
Effect 20: Vanishment. Targets vanish, recieving no damage, nor the traditional dying 'blood spurt'.
Effect 21-22: Fire and Summon. Creates a series of projectiles equal to the nratt attribute. Where the projectiles hit, (Never more than a square or two from the caster) a monster specified by the damage attribute appears.
Effect 23: Clover Covering. Grants the caster Twist Fate and Mossbody, and makes him take double-damage from poison. It is quite likely the effects given depend on the damage attribute.
Effect 24: Damage. Standard attack spell.
Effect 25-27: Effect unclear. Pretender refuses to cast.
Effect 28: Enslave Mind. Targets are converted to the caster's side. They lose their commander status, if any, and can be assigned to other units like a militia.
Effect 29: Charm. Targets are converted to the caster's side. If they were commanders or mages, they retain the ability.
Effect 30: Effect unclear. Pretender refuses to cast.
Effect 31: Summon Target Practice. Units are summoned. These units will likely attack the caster, but whatever is closer will do. Think 'Call Horror'.
Effect 32-36: Effect unclear. Pretender refuses to cast.
Effect 101: Effect unclear. Pretender refuses to cast.

The following, at least mine, were cast using the following code.
#newspell #name "Ritual Test" #descr "Unknown Effect" #school 3 #effect x #researchlevel 0 #path 0 2 #pathlevel 0 1 #damage 5 #nreff 3 #fatiguecost 100 #end

Effect 10001: Summon Monster. Just what it sounds like. Summons a number of monsters in the province where the spell was cast. Thanks to Johan K.
Effect 10002-10011: Effect unclear. No effect can be seen.
Effect 10019: Cloud Trapeze. See spell of same name. Thanks to rrongol.
Effect 10021: Summon Commander. A commander unit appears in the province where the spell was cast.
Effect 10025: Wish. See spell of same name. Thanks to rrongol.
Effect 10030: Dispel. See spell of same name. Thanks to rrongol.
Effect 10037: Sneak Attack. Summons a group of monsters and one commander in any province. Thanks to rrongol.
Effect 10038: Random Encounter. Summons a group of monsters and one commander in any province. These monsters are treated as independents. Thanks to rrongol.
Effect 10039: Gift of Reason. See spell of same name. Thanks to rrongol.
Effect 10040: Seeking Arrow. See spell of same name. Thanks to rrongol.
Effect 10041: Flames From the Sky. See spell of same name. Thanks to rrongol.
Effect 10042: Tidal Wave. See spell of same name. Thanks to rrongol.
Effect 10044: Transformation. See spell of same name. Thanks to rrongol.
Effect 10048: Pathfind. Performs a level 9 search in selected province, the paths depending on damage. See table 11 in the modding manual to select paths. Thanks to rrongol.
Effect 10049: Wind Ride. See spell of same name. Thanks to rrongol.
Effect 10050: A commander in the selected province is attacked by one (always one) monster. Thanks to rrongol.
Effect 10057: Mind Hunt. See spell of same name. Thanks to rrongol.
Effect 10062: Manifestation. See spell of same name. Whether or not damage attribute can allow you to select the monster is unclear. Thanks to rrongol.
Effect 10064: Leperosy. See spell of same name. Thanks to rrongol.
Effect 10070: Crumble. See spell of same name. Thanks to rrongol.
Effect 10075: Raven Feast. See spell of same name. Thanks to rrongol.
Effect 10076: Tartarian Gate. See spell of same name. Thanks to rrongol.
Effect 10077: Astral Travel. See spell of same name. Thanks to rrongol.
Effect 10079: Faery Trod. See spell of same name. Thanks to rrongol.
Effect 10081: Global Enchantment. Effect unclear. Thanks to rrongol.
Effect 10082: Global Enchantment. Effect unclear. Thanks to rrongol.
Effect 10084: Dome. Creates a protective dome around the province the spell was cast in. Specifics unclear. Thanks to rrongol.
Effect 10085: Global Enchantment. Effect unclear. Thanks to rrongol.
Effect 10089: Special Summon. Duplicates one of the following spells, depending on damage attribute. 1: Bind Ice Devil. 2: Bind Arch Devil. 3: Bind Heliophagus. 4: King of Elemental Earth. 5: Father Illearth. 6: Queen of Elemental Water. 7: Queen of Elemental Air. 8: King of Elemental Fire. 9: King of Banefires. 10: Bind Demon Lord. 11: Awaken Treelord. 12: Call Amesha Spenta. 13: Summon Tlaloque. Thanks to rrongol.
Effect 10090: Stygian Paths. See spell of same name. Thanks to rrongol.
Effect 10091: Fires from Afar. See spell of same name. Thanks to rrongol.
Effect 10092: Imprint Souls. See spell of same name. Customization specifics unclear. Thanks to rrongol.
Effect 10101: Age Ritual. Alters the caster's age by the damage attribute. Negative damage attributes make the caster younger. Thanks to rrongol.

Update History
v1.00: Started mod. Added combat effects up to 36 and ritual effects up to 10010.
v1.01: Went back through the combat spells with allies, revealing a couple of new effects.
v1.10: Recieved and added a huge contribution from rrongol.

To-do list:
It's likely some of the remaining 'Effect unclear' combat spells need to be used on the undead, demons, or magical beings. Test spells with undead/demonic/magical allies/enemies.

Enjoy, I hope you found the effect you wanted.
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you.
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