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Old December 11th, 2006, 09:19 AM
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Default Re: Bug thread

Possibly reported earlier, but here goes:
Keeper of the Tombs (recruited from the LE C'tis site City of Tombs) is not restricted to C'tis only. It can be recruited by other nations if they capture the province. Apparently it has not been coded to be recruitable only by original owner.

Of the various incarnations of Smouldercone, only one increases heat in the province.
If the 5 effects per site limitation from Dom2 is still valid in Dom3, then that is the reason, as at least two of them have gem income + 4 recruitables. Perhaps some recruitables could be transferred to other Abysian sites in the appropriate eras?

The site "Villa of Everchanging Fresques" should be named "Villa of Everchanging Frescoes" for proper spelling.

More site related bugs after I finish the magic site DB. Also a question related to sites: For sites like Crown of Darkness, The Rainbow Shroud, Inkpot End and so forth that spread diseases, give horrormarks, curses, holy fire, holy power and other such things that are not quantified in the site descriptions, do the Dominions 2 numbers still stand? If they do (which it looks like on a cursory glance), that would save me a lot of grief making that DB as complete as possible.

EDIT: Fixed spelling. Grr!

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