Version of the Dom3 Tool is up, this one includes the launcher capability (i.e you can launch into a network game directly from the tool).
There's a couple of quirks. You can only add the path to the executable once you're connected - this is to prevent adding of executables to non-working servers.
Also, you need to specify an executable PER server - this is to enable those folks who are playing different game versions on different servers from a single machine.
Hopefully the fact that the buttons go inactive when ... well, inactive ... will help make things clear. It's really not that hard:
1. Select "NEW" from the dropdown to add a new server.
2. Type in server info, server URL (or IP) + port as before.
3. Hit "Get Status" as before.
4. Once connected, hit "Browse for executable" and navigate to your dom3 exec file.
5. Hit "Disconnect". The "Launch" button should light up.
You only have to set servers up ONCE.
Once you have all of your servers configured, simply select what you want from the dropdown and hit Launch.
Please PM or email me the bugs, I don't check back here too often

As always, disclaimers as to the software melting your face etc. apply (I've tested it plenty though).